My Future

When I think about my future I get nervous. When I think about how soon I will have to start applying for jobs and college my palms get sweaty. I will also soon have to start paying my own bills, and getting my permit. So my plans as when I get use to all to  the new adult things, I have a two careers in mind. I have always wanted to be a teacher. I like school, and kids so that would be the ideal career. I have also recently being falling in love with lawyers. What they do is just so awesome. They get sassy, mad, and just put their foot down. So I need to be coming down to a close with my choice as I get older. I hope that comes easier to me.

Goals are things that you are trying to do or achieve. I have two goals that have been heavy on my heart. My first one is to graduate high with academic honors. Colleges really look at your diploma and if I have something that big they would look at me. Another academic goal is to attend a good college. College helps with your future career, and the right college and class can help me start on that. I also have a personal goal, I want to become a better golfer. I just started this year. I am not bad for my first year, but I would like to become better for future years to come.Unknown-8Unknown-9

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