The Joys of Christmas Break

Christmas brings joy to everyone of all ages. When the weather starts to drop you get out your decorations, tree, and holiday spirit. People have their love of Christmas food, presents, and the tree decorations. My favorite thing about Christmas break is when the family comes out to play. I love every single person in my family. On Christmas day both of my sister, and their husbands will be coming over to the house. The joy of getting them presents, and seeing their reaction makes me happy. I love to get them gifts, and make them homemade gifts. We will have our Sander’s Family Christmas dinner the next day. That’s when everyone comes. All the cousins, aunt, and uncles. With a smile on their face, we eat and enjoy the company of one another. Kids love Christmas break, because no school, I love it, because I get to see my famille, as Buddy Valastro would say.

My Perfect Snow Day Would Be……..

My perfect snow day would be amazing, well to me at least. It would start off with a good breakfast. I like food, so I would want bacon, eggs, biscuits, gravy, orange juice, apple juice, pancakes, etc. After breakfast I would want to watch a good movie. Some good movies would be all the Madea movies. They are so funny! After watching about three Madea movies, it would be time for lunch. I love Chinese so I would want some Chinese food. After lunch I would want to go play in the snow. I would say about four feet of snow would be good. I would have snowball fights and build igloos with my family. After the freezing fun, I would go inside and warm up with some hot chocolate. I would sit with my family and talk, play games, or watch movies till dinner time. For dinner I would want some Mexican. I also love Mexican food. That is my version of a perfect snow day!

The Toy I Always Wanted

As a little kid toy were our escape from the world. Having your favorite toy car, or barbie doll made our play dates better. Toys made each game different. They made our worlds spin round and round. There was always that one toy, that every kid wanted. My fantasy toy was an American Girl. I was a tomboy little girl, but seeing other girls have dolls that looked like them made me jealous. I kept having my mom order the magizines, so I could look at the dolls. I never had one girl that looked like me. They just didn’t have a blonde, blue eyed, with freckles AMerican Girl. I kept asking and asking for one, but never got one. Once I got a little older I didn’t want one anymore. I grew into even more a tomboy, so I didn’t want a doll. Just because I never got a doll, didn’t mean I wasn’t thankful for what I had, and did get.


I am thankful for life. Life is a wonderful thing. People normally are thankful one thing in life, but I’m thankful for all of life. Life brings me happiness. It brings my family, friends, and food. Life can’t be traumatic t at times, but it always pulls through. I am thankful for life, because soon my little nephew Charlie David will have one. Life brings knowledge. I like school, and school is going to take me places. I have life, and I am very thankful for it.

My Fantastic Dodge in My Life

One day there was a girl, and boy named Danielle, and Matthew. They were cousins, and they loved to do horrific things. Danielle owned a trampoline, and Matthew had a fantastic idea. Matthew’s idea was that they move the trampoline next to the roof, and they climb on the roof, and jump off on to the trampoline. She was ok with the idea that She might brake a limb, or he might. She wasn’t worried for him, or herself. She started to get excited, and nervous.

We started to climb to the roof. Her nerves where all over the place. She couldn’t decide if she was exited or nervous. They are at the edge of the roof. They were deciphering of who will go first. She said that I will, but Matthew just went ahead and went. She was about to tell him the there was a stick on the trampoline, but Matthew leaps out of excitement. He lands on the stick, and he begins to cry. She runs to go to him. At that moment, she thinks, if I would have gone first, that would have been me landing on the stick.