My Perfect Snow Day Would Be……..

My perfect snow day would be amazing, well to me at least. It would start off with a good breakfast. I like food, so I would want bacon, eggs, biscuits, gravy, orange juice, apple juice, pancakes, etc. After breakfast I would want to watch a good movie. Some good movies would be all the Madea movies. They are so funny! After watching about three Madea movies, it would be time for lunch. I love Chinese so I would want some Chinese food. After lunch I would want to go play in the snow. I would say about four feet of snow would be good. I would have snowball fights and build igloos with my family. After the freezing fun, I would go inside and warm up with some hot chocolate. I would sit with my family and talk, play games, or watch movies till dinner time. For dinner I would want some Mexican. I also love Mexican food. That is my version of a perfect snow day!

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